Assisted Dictionary Learning for fMRI Data Analysis (bibtex)
by M.M. Moreno, Y. Kopsinis, E. Kofidis, C. Chatzichristos, Theodoridis S.
M.M. Moreno, Y. Kopsinis, E. Kofidis, C. Chatzichristos, Theodoridis S., "Assisted Dictionary Learning for fMRI Data Analysis", In IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Process. (ICASSP), New Orleans, USA, 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Moreno, M.M. and Kopsinis,Y. and Kofidis, E. and Chatzichristos, C. and Theodoridis S.},
  title     = {{Assisted} {Dictionary} {Learning} for {fMRI} {Data} {Analysis}},
  booktitle = {{IEEE} {Int}. {Conf}. {Acoust}., {Speech}, and {Signal} {Process}. ({ICASSP})},
  year      = {2017},
  address   = {New Orleans, USA}